Hey everyone, after a long time of silence im back. Im very sorry I have not updated in a long time, truth is I got out of the scene and I felt if I got involved with anything about the scene I would not be able to stay away it. Well I have gotten back into the scene after some time of being away, and I plan on making the best website on the scene I can. Problem is I will need some time to do it, and lately that is hard to come by. What got me to remake this site is I went to it by a link on anotehr page and thought "Man I did a really bad job" so im going to remake this site to my best skills and put it back up. By the way I kept the link below so I would not get my link to A-S broke, but as for the rest of my site, its down till I fix it all up. Well, I guess I better get to work, later all. {--Lord-Nitro--{

Keeping this one and only link to keep my A-S link alive.